• info@natembeleaafrica.or.tz
  • +255 713 566 062

Empowering Women and Girls Programs

In this program, volunteers with good hearts and an open mind are needed. Empowering Woman and Girls is a program designed to empower groups who come from a truly heartbreaking background; from being shamed for being HIV positive to abandonment due to assault, and a level of poverty that will be hard for most people from the western world to imagine.

The goals are to help woman become self sufficient and to recruit and help more. Some of the opportunities are community work, counseling to HIV victims and home victims, palliative care, and youth programs including training health at school and communities.

Week 1$264
Week 2$414
Week 3$564
Week 4$714
Week 5$834
Week 6$954

There ie the possibility for program extension whenever necessary.A one day extension cost 20 USD, Where as more than a week would be assigned program fees in regard to the duration of the stay. It adviced tha if volunteers require an extension they should provide a week”s notice prior the end of their original program.